
Ready Player Anna Livia Plurabelle!

Joseph Campbell: "Eve, Isis, Iseult, a passing cloud, a flowing stream. She is the eternally fructive and love-bearing principle in the world—a little crone who goes about gathering fragments into a basket; Isis picking up the dismembered body of her brother-husband, Osiris. She is the widow who serves the feast at the wake: “Grampupus is fallen down but grinny sprids the boord” (page 7). Again, she is a mother hen that scratches out of a dung heap the torn scrap of a gossipacious letter filled with all the secrets of a woman’s heart (pp. HO—11), a bewitching letter, which, only partially recovered, tantalizes with its life riddle through every page of Finnegans Wake: the entire book, in fact, is but a dreamlike emanation of this “untitled mamafesta memorialising the Mosthighest” (page 104), written (time and place unknown) by ALP herself."

Link to YouTube Playlist for #ReadyPlayerALP:


TECHNICAL NOTE: There are currently 79 tracks on this playlist,vthe 3rd Track is age-restricted, so you may have to manually advance to track 4 after viewing track 3. Enjoy!

“In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the Bringer of Plurabilities, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven!”

— James Joyce, “Finnegans Wake”